
Thank you for taking the first step towards joining the
growing list of people who are making this website the
largest New Zealand passenger list site on the internet!
The ultimate goal of New Zealand Yesteryears is to locate,
transcribe, and make freely available online ALL lists of
passengers coming to New Zealand between 1800 and 1900.
There are a large number of people who, through disability,
illness or geographical location, can't get to main centers
or even out of their homes to conduct family history research
and this is my way of helping those who would otherwise be
prevented from partaking in a rewarding and enjoyable pasttime.
If you would like to join me in this enterprise then please read
through the brief guidelines on these two pages and let me know
if you want to help, via email: webmaster "at" yesteryears.co.nz
Acceptable Material
Passenger Lists (or locations thereof)
Voyage Accounts or Shipboard Diaries
Ship Photographs/Paintings (or locations thereof)
Newspaper articles about ships or those onboard
Captain's Logs
Extracting material from other shipping websites is not acceptable.
The above restriction isn't applicable if permission has been granted.
Sources must be listed, this is essential for verification.
Material must non-copyrighted (or permission granted to use).
Sources of Material
Family History Centers have microfilm of Passenger lists
Public Libraries - often have microfilm of suitable records
Museums - copies of diaries or lists are sometimes available
Personal Collections - I have received some Shipboard diaries
Paperspast (http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz)
Australian Periodicals 1840-1845 (http://www.nla.gov.au/ferg)
Paper of Record (http://www.paperofrecord.com) - Pay for access
National Archives - lists, diaries, and much more.
What's done already?
Check the diary section for those completed and those on the way.
View the current ship images beside each ship on the list pages.
Lookup the list below to see transcription progress of newspapers:
Online Newspaper Transcription Progress
If the cost of copying or sending material is preventing you
making a contribution then please contact me as I may be able
to assist financially - dependant on the material and costs
involved. Please bear in mind that this is a privately funded
project and as such the budget is not large.