12 March 1869
THE following is the report of the Com-
missioners on the ship Matoaka. It is dated
Feb. 11, 1869 :-The Commissioners report
that the Immigrants arrived in good health.
Two births occurred on board - no deaths.
The matron complained that the single
women had not been ready to comply with
rules, but nothing of importance was repor-
ted. The single men's compartment was
very dirty; the surgeon asserts that the
single men positively refused to obey his in-
structions, as regarded cleaning their com-
partment, and ridiculed his threat to report
them on arrival; this statement was con-
firmed by the captain. Both officers com-
plain that the Royal Instructions and Can-
terbury Regtilations, afford no means of
enforcing obedience to them, upon unwilling
or recusant immigrants. Gravely's distilling
apparatus worked well. The Commissioners
recommend the payment of the gratuities to
the Surgeon, Captain and Officers. All the
immigrants spoke well of the quality of the
provisions. Wm. Donald, Chairman, John
T. Rouse, F. D. Gibson, D. M. Mackay.
Converted to electronic form by Corey Woodw@rd