23 Mar 1861
The barque Minerva arrived at Canterbury on the
28th ult., after a good passage of 102 days from
Gravesend, or 93 from land to land. Early in the
voyage measles broke out; most of the children
took the complaint, but it soon passed off safely
under the able treatment of the surgeon, Mr. Wil-
liams. The accession to our population by this
vessel is considerable, though some of the passen-
gers are for Otago and other provinces. They in-
clude several old colonists revisiting our shores,
who represent the new comers as of a very high
class generally. The following passengers for Otago
arrived in the Minerva:- Mr and Mrs. McMaster,
Messrs. Neilson, Fullerton, and Stewart, and Mar-
garet Thomson - Lyttelton Times
Converted to electronic form by Corey Woodw@rd