THE "STORM CLOUD" The "Storm Cloud," from Glasgow, arrived off the Heads on the 26th ult., after a re- markably quick passage of 84 days. She brings 324 passengers, whose arrival is most opportune. We hear that some are already off to the diggings. We think they would have acted more wisely by taking advantage of the high rates given in the town. We pre- sume those who have gone to be only the young men. It is gratifying to hear that the passengers speak highly of the Captain and his crew : there are no complaints of any kind. This is the second visit which we have had from this fine clipper ship, and on both occa- sions she has made capital voyages - present- ing, in this respect, a strong contrast to the class of " tubs " which Messrs. Shaw, Saville, & Co. are in the habit of despatching from London. We are surprised that any one can be found to ship goods or take a passage in such ships. The loss from the non-arrival of goods, and the waste of time to passengers, adds to the amount of freight and passage money, besides avoiding the chance of sickness. It is generally in slow ships that the passengers become sick. We congratulate Captain Camp- bell on the command of so fine a ship, and his having had so pleasant and speedy a voyage. Converted to electronic form by Corey Woodw@rd